All Things Senior

October 8, 5-7 PM, Sandpoint High School 410 S. Division Ave. Sandpoint, ID.

October 9, 5-8 PM, Lake City High School 6101 N. Ramsey Rd. Coeur d’Alene, ID.

Organizations Attending All Things Senior:

North Idaho Dental Personnel

Northwest Nazarene University

Pacific Northwest College of Art

Spokane Community College

The Evergreen State College

Treasure Valley Community College

U.S. Navy Recruiting

University of Idaho

University of Montana

University of Oregon


Washington State University

Western States Equipment

Western Washington University

Whitworth University

Boise State

Carroll College

Central Washington University

Cornish College of the Arts

Eastern Oregon University

Grand Canyon University

Great Northern University

Idaho Army National Guard

Idaho Department of Labor

Idaho division of Voc Rehab

Idaho State University

Lewis-Clark State College

Montana Technological University

Montana Western

NIC Workforce Training Center

North Idaho College

Questions regarding All Things Senior can be directed to:

Jessica Miley,